Alive Youth

Sunday Mornings | 11am service

Join Alive Youth (6th-12th graders) on Sunday mornings during the 11am adult service. Youth students join their parents during worship in the 11am service and then break off into Youth Group in the gym! After worship, the youth students gather for fun and games, and an inspiring message from the Bible, and then break into small groups, divided by age.

Youth Night Party | 2nd Sunday Night of the Month 5:30-7:00pm

Youth Night Party is a monthly favorite! Every 1st Sunday Night of the month 6th-12th graders meet in the church gym for games, food, hangout, and a mini Word of encouragement. These are great nights to invite friends and great opportunities for friendships within Youth Group to form.


Starting Sunday, June 8th, youth will fully move to Sunday nights! We are thrilled for this upcoming transition as it allows youth students to fully engage on Sunday mornings through serving and attending main service, but it also allows for essential age-appropriate community and discipleship! Youth on Sunday Nights will also allow for a greater opportunity of outreach to local community.

Sunday Nights 5:30-7:30pm starting June 8th!

Youth Schedule Starting June 8th:

  • 1st Sunday of Month - Revival Nights (with youth open gym before Revival Nights)

  • 2nd Sunday of Month - Youth Night Live! (high energy, full service, with youth worship, games, message, and small groups)

  • 3rd-5th Sundays of Month - Youth Nights (Mini Message & Small Groups with games and hang time)

Summer Camp & Retreats

Every July, Alive Youth goes to summer camp in Ohio - Impact Next Gen Summer Camp! This is always a transformational week as we meet up with 400+ other youth students from around the regional to worship Jesus and grow in our faith.


Join us for Impact Youth Summer Camp 2025 in Miamisburg, Ohio! Youth Summer Camp is for students who have completed 6th grade - 12th grade. This is a life-changing week! There's always amazing worship and messages, tons of activities and games, and lots of fun! The camp is again divided into two groups. We are with the first group, or with Blue Camp.

This year, the payments are structured differently. If you register by February 15th, the price is $275 (no payment due at registration). If you register after February 15th, the price goes up to $300. If you register after April 1st, the price goes up to $350. So the earlier you register, the better! This includes all lodging, transportation, and meals at camp!

Alive Youth Socials

Stay updated with Youth upcoming events on the Alive Youth Facebook or Instagram page. You can also email with any specific questions you might have.

Alive Youth Director: Madison Myers

Madison oversees the youth ministry and social media at Alive Family Church. She is passionate about leading the next generation in what it looks like to love Christ wholeheartedly, live for Him, and encourage a generation of kingdom workers.

Madison has served in youth ministry for nine years, between Brighton and Central Florida, and is excited to be a part of the Alive team.

Madison graduated from Brighton High School in 2021 and decided to continue her education at Western Michigan University, majoring in Elementary Education. After her first year of college, she moved to Florida in July 2022 to join the Disney College Program. For the past two and a half years, Madison has been a cast member at Walt Disney World as a character performer. She also plugged into a church in the central Orlando area, where she served as their student associate for the past year and a half.

Madison is excited that God has called her back home to the mitten state, where she’ll soon marry her high school sweetheart, Ethan O'Dell, in May 2025. They are eager for what God has in store for them in this next chapter of their lives! 
