Congrats on completing Step One of the Alive Growth Track. And welcome to the Alive family! We are so glad that you have chosen to make Alive Family Church your church home. Step Two of the Alive Growth Track is all about discovering your design and locating the gold that God has put within you to make a difference in the world!

To complete Step Two, please do these steps in this order:

  1. Watch Step Two: Part One video in its entirety

  2. Complete the Personality & Spiritual Gifts assessment online (make note of your results)

  3. Watch Step Two: Part Two video in its entirety

  4. Complete the Step Two Card

  5. Bonus: Optional “Finding You” Workbook download

  1. Watch Step Two: Part One Video

2. Take the online Personality & Spiritual Gift Assessment

This personality & spiritual gift assessment will take 15-30 minutes. Once you have completed the assessment write down (or screenshot) both your DISC results and your Spiritual Gift results. This will be a great resource for you and we will also ask that you submit your assessment results on the Step Two Card at the end of this step of Growth Track.

3. Watch Step Two: Part Two Video

4. Read the Step Two Section in the Alive Growth Track Book

5. Complete the Step Two Card

Let us know that you have completed Step Two, by filling out the Step Two Card.

After completing step two, we encourage you to move on to Step Three. Step Three is offered on the 3rd Sunday of every month in-person. Click the Step Three button below to register for a Step Three Gathering.

Bonus Activity: Finding You Workbook

If you are looking for more ways to search your heart and locate the gold within you and the purpose for which God has made you, check out this free additional bonus activity called Finding You. Download, print, and prayerfully work through this workbook as your discover your design.