Summer Mini Camps!

This summer we are providing SAFE, OUTDOOR, SMALL (and of course FUN!) mini camps for preschool, elementary and youth students! Each month (July & August) you can sign-up each of your children for one of the mini camps available for their age! Each mini camp will be be 1.5 hours long and be located at Huron Meadows Park in Brighton, MI. This will be a fun & safe way for Alive Kids & Youth to stay connected relationally, have fun, and grow in the Lord! All these Summer Mini Camps are totally free of charge, but you must register online ahead of time. Elementary Mini Camps cap at 10 children (and there are three to choose from each month) and Preschool Mini Camps cap at 5 children (and there are three to choose from each month).

PRESCHOOL MINI CAMPS! (Tuesdays in July & August)

Preschool Mini Camp is for 2 year olds- through preschool age.

Children will have fun, play games and learn about some "Unlikley Heros". God worked through unexpected people in incredible ways, you and I are just as unlikely and unexpected, just imagine what He can do through us!

Group fills up at 5 kids, sign up to reserve your spot.
(Sign in with each individual child's name)

ELEMENTARY MINI CAMPS! (Thursdays in July & August)

Elementary Mini Camp is for incoming kindergartners- 5th grade.

Children will have fun, play games and learn about some "Unlikley Heros". God worked through unexpected people in incredible ways, you and I are just as unlikely and unexpected, just imagine what He can do through us!

Group fills up at 10 kids, sign up to reserve your spot.
(Sign in with each individual child's name)

YOUTH MINI CAMP! (Once a month in July & August)

Youth Mini Camp is for incoming 6th- 12th graders.

Students will play games, have fun and build friendships. The first Youth Mini Camp is Saturday, July 18th from 2-4pm. Another Mini Camp will be scheduled for August as well.

Sign-up for the Youth Mini Camp!