How do we live a godly life in an ungodly culture? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as dives into Daniel chapter 1 in Week 1 of our "Daniel" series.
How do we live a godly life in an ungodly culture? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as dives into Daniel chapter 1 in Week 1 of our "Daniel" series.
Jesus said "I am the true vine." Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 7 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into what this statement means for you and I in Week 6 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life." Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 5 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the good shepherd." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 4 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the door." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he unpacks the meaning of this statement in Week 3 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the light of the world." Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives deeper into the meaning of this statement in Week 2 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the bread of life." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives deeper into the meaning of this statement in Week 1 of our "I AM" series.
Join special guest speaker Pastor Lonnie Snell as he shares a powerful message on how to experience emotional healing from the wounds we experience in life.
Hebrews Chapters 12-13. Join Pastor Erica Giesow for an inspiring message in Week 6 of "Letters to the Hebrews."
Join us for an inspiring and power message from Guest minister Hannah Adams from Brazil.
Join us for an inspiring and power message from Guest minister Josh Adams from Brazil.
Happy Father's Day! Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he shares an encouraging message about "The Best Dad In The Universe."
Hebrews Chapter 11. Join Pastor Erica Giesow for an inspiring message that will build your faith in Week 5 of "Letters to the Hebrews."
Hebrews Chapters 8-10. Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he encourages us in Week 4 of "Letters to the Hebrews."
Hebrews Chapters 5-7. Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he encourages us in Week 3 of "Letters to the Hebrews."
Hebrews Chapters 3 & 4. Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she encourages us in Week 2 of "Letters to the Hebrews."
Happy Mother's Day! Join Pastor Erica Giesow for a special Mother's Day message that will encourage us to empower the next generation.
Hebrews Chapter 1 & 2. Join Pastor Eric Giesow for an encouraging message in Week 1 of our "Letters to the Hebrews" series.
Are we supposed to honor all people and forgive everyone? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she answers many of the common questions about boundaries & forgiveness in Week 4 of "You Asked For It."