Are we to act like owners or managers when it comes to money? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he teaches us how to be good stewards in Week 2 of "Wait Till I Get My Money Right."
Are we to act like owners or managers when it comes to money? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he teaches us how to be good stewards in Week 2 of "Wait Till I Get My Money Right."
What's the deal with money? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into the right mindsets we should have about money in Week 1 of "Wait Till I Get My Money Right."
How can we pray like Jesus? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as dives into Jesus' model of prayer in Week 4 of "Pray First."
Does prayer even make a difference? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he teaches about the power of prayer in Week 3 of "Pray First."
How does your prayer posture impact your communication with God? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she teaches us how to connect better with God in Week 2 of "Pray First."
Do you desire more of God this year? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he stirs us up on how to experience more of God in our lives in Week 1 of "Pray First."
Join us for our special New Year's Eve Family Service for as we gather together to worship, reflect on God's goodness, and anticipate the new that God for us!
Join us for a special candlelight service as we celebrate the birth of the Savior together and receive hope from God's Word.
Is every Fact Truth? What does God say about what is True? Join Jason Cash as we wrap up our Series "Flawed Heroes of Faith" as he takes a look at the life of Elijah.
What can we learn from Isaiah? Join Ian Biggs as he dives into part of the story of Isaiah in Week 4 of "Flawed Heroes of Faith."
What can we learn from Gideon? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into the story of Gideon in Week 3 of "Flawed Heroes of Faith".
What can we learn from Joshua, Caleb & the Spies? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she teaches us some great lessons about faith in Week 2 of "Flawed Heroes Of Faith."
What can we learn from Samson? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into the story of Samson in Week 1 of "Flawed Heroes of Faith".
What's The Deal With Israel? Join Pastor Erica Giesow for an educational and informative message that dives into the historical and Biblical past, present, and future of Israel.
What kind of impact can your marriage make? Join Pastors Eric & Erica as they share how our marriages are so much bigger than just us in Week 4 of "Love Handles".
What's the deal about sex? Join Pastor's Eric & Erica Giesow as they help us get God's perspective on sex in our relationships in Week 3 of "Love Handles".
How do we approach conflict in our relationships? Join Pastors Eric & Erica Giesow as they share how to win at communication and conflict in Week 2 of "Love Handles".
What's the purpose of your relationship? Join Pastors Eric & Erica Giesow as they share the importance of having God's vision for your marriage in Week 1 of "Love Handles".
What do we do about the wounds of our past and dark places in our souls? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he helps us confront the things in our souls that affect our emotional health in Week 4 of "Oh My Soul".
What are we to do with our hearts? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she zooms in on the relationship between soul, heart, and spirit in Week 3 of "Oh My Soul".