What's the deal about sex? Join Pastor's Eric & Erica Giesow as they help us get God's perspective on sex in our relationships in Week 3 of "Love Handles".
What's the deal about sex? Join Pastor's Eric & Erica Giesow as they help us get God's perspective on sex in our relationships in Week 3 of "Love Handles".
How do we approach conflict in our relationships? Join Pastors Eric & Erica Giesow as they share how to win at communication and conflict in Week 2 of "Love Handles".
What's the purpose of your relationship? Join Pastors Eric & Erica Giesow as they share the importance of having God's vision for your marriage in Week 1 of "Love Handles".
What do we do about the wounds of our past and dark places in our souls? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he helps us confront the things in our souls that affect our emotional health in Week 4 of "Oh My Soul".
What are we to do with our hearts? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she zooms in on the relationship between soul, heart, and spirit in Week 3 of "Oh My Soul".
What do we do with our feelings? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he helps us navigate the proper response to our God-given feelings and emotions in Week 2 of "Oh My Soul".
Did you know that we are a three part being? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she helps us dive deeper into our three part being and how to be healthy in these areas in Week 1 of "Oh My Soul".
5 different speakers for 5 minutes each. Join us as Alive staff members each share a unique and powerful word that will leave you encouraged and inspired.
What are the voices influencing your life? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she talks about the voices of strangers in Week 3 of "Tuning Out The Noise".
How do we cut through the noise in our lives? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he teaches us how our words play an important part in Week 2 of "Tuning Out The Noise".
How do we hear the voice of God in our lives? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she helps us understand how in Week 1 of "Tuning out the Noise".
How much do you have to hate someone? Join special guest speaker Pastor Beth Jones as she inspires us to share our faith with others.
Are you ready for revival? Join us as special guest speaker Pastor Chris Bristow inspires us on how to get ready for the new wave of revival that is coming.
Do you desire to pray more boldly and consistently? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she teaches us how prayer is our secret sauce in Week 8 of our "Summer Series".
Jesus said to leave the 99 for the 1. Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he encourages us on how to "See the One" in Week 7 of our "Summer Series".
There is gold in you! Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he help us discover our God-given gifts in Week 6 of "Summer Series".
Generosity is our lifestyle! Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she encourages us in our generosity in Week 5 of "Summer Series".
Church is Alive & Fun! Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he helps reframe a healthy view of church in Week 4 of our "Summer Series".
Work Hard and Rest Well. Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he shares an encouraging Father's Day message in Week 3 of "Summer Series".
Faith is our response! Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she encourages us to have faith in God's Word in Week 2 of "Summer Series".