Join us for a special 5-on-5 service. Five speakers who get five minutes each. Get ready to be inspired and encouraged in your relationship with the Lord.
Join us for a special 5-on-5 service. Five speakers who get five minutes each. Get ready to be inspired and encouraged in your relationship with the Lord.
Crazy friends change the world. Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he inspires us with the impact we can have when we do life with others.
Do you have some "Crazy Friends?" Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he encourages us about the type of friends we need in our lives.
We all got a little something from mama, right?! Join Pastor Erica Giesow for a special Mother's Day message about the impact of generational faith.
How do we make room for God to move in our lives? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he shares an inspiring message from Jesus' miracle at the wedding at Cana.
We are all apart of the bigger story God is writing. Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she encourages us to fight for our love to not ice over in the midst of this tired and toxic world in Week 3 of "This Is Us".
Join Pastors Eric & Erica as they share vision about the next chapter at Alive in Week 2 of "This Is Us".
Find your place in God's story. Join Pastors Eric & Erica Giesow in Week 1 of "This Is Us" as they help us find our place in the story that God is writing at Alive.
HAPPY EASTER! Join us for service as Pastor Eric Giesow shares an encouraging message on the HOPE we have in the resurrection.
How do we honor God and others through tricky scenarios? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she talks about "Tricky Honor" in our last week of our With Honor series.
Who are we supposed to honor? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into God's Word to look at all the people we are instructed to honor in Week 3 of "With Honor".
Ever wonder how you can honor God? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he shares in Week 2 of "With Honor".
In modern times, “honor” seems like an ancient word. Yet, God calls us to both honor Him and honor others. Join us in the month of March, as we are challenged by the Word to live with honor in every area of our life.
How do we stay full of God and produce fruit in our lives? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into John 15 in Week 4 of "Hungry".
The fulfilled life comes from the Jesus way of living. Join Pastor Erica for for Week 3 in our Hungry series.
Are you Hungry for more of God? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as kicks off our new series "Hungry" and shares 3 areas for us to stay hungry for.
How do we keep pursuing God? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he shares 3 things we should never stop doing if we want to continue to experience all that God has for us.
Ever wonder if God has more for you? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he walks us through 3 experiences God has for us in Week 4 of "Pursuit".
Ever felt like God was "late" on his answer to your prayer? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she encourages us on how to operate in faith and patience in Week 3 of "Pursuit".
Ever wonder what the deal is with fasting? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into God's word and unlocks the power of fasting.