Need help resolving conflict in your relationship? Join Pastor Eric Giesow for some helpful tips in Week 3 of our series "Relationship Goals."
Need help resolving conflict in your relationship? Join Pastor Eric Giesow for some helpful tips in Week 3 of our series "Relationship Goals."
Join Pastor Eric Giesow in this special Father’s Day message titled: “The Present Father.”
Relationships can be tough. Join Pastors Eric & Erica Giesow as they discuss how we can be better together in our relationships in Week 2 of our series "Relationship Goals."
The #perfectrelationship isn’t always as easy as it looks. There’s a lot more that goes into a healthy relationship than what shows up on social media. In this message, Pastor Eric talks about keeping God at the center of our relationships in a message titled, “Keep it Real.”
Does God really want you to rest? Join Pastor Erica Giesow to reveal what real sabbath rest looks like in Week 2 of our series "Fresh Air."
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out? Join Pastor Eric Giesow to discover where real rest comes from in Week 1 of our series "Fresh Air".
Women & moms are life-bringers and called to be “like a fruitful in the very heart of their home”. Be encouraged by this message from Pastor Erica to bring and speak life to your garden
We all carry around weights of different kinds that hold us back from the life we long for. In this series, we locate and get free from weights that are holding us back. Check out week two’s message titled, “Your True Weight” by Pastor Eric.
We all carry around weights of different kinds that hold us back from the life we long for. In this series, we locate and get free from weights that are holding us back. Check out week one’s message titled, “Drop the Baggage” by Pastor Eric.
The Cross Equals Love. This Easter Pastor Eric reminds us of the true means of the death, burial, & resurrection of Jesus Christ.
WE are the church! The church is US - a movement of people knowing God & living for Him passionately! God builds His Church relationally through us. In week two of this series, Pastor Erica encourages us to consider the relationships God has put in our life in a message titled, “The Uninvited Guest”.
WE are the church! The church is US - a movement of people knowing God & living for Him passionately! You have a place, a purpose, and a role in the body of Christ to make a difference! In week one of this series, Pastor Eric talks about why “Movement Matters”.
In the Reply All series are are answering questions you are asking. In week two, Pastor Erica addresses the topic of God’s Plan vs. My Plan & Anxiety & Depression.
In the Reply All series are are answering questions you are asking. In week one, Pastor Eric addresses the topic of addictions and how to break free.
Are you building your life on what is currently “trending” or on the truth of the Word of God? How do you practically read the Bible and build your life on the truth? In week 3 of “The Bible for Dummies” series, Pastor Erica inspires you to hunger for the Word and read it daily.
What can the Bible do for me, you might wonder? If it is the infallible, Word of God, how can it help me. In week 2, of “The Bible for Dummies” series, Pastor Eric inspires you with practical ways the Bible can help us in everyday life
Where did the Bible come from and how do we know that it is trustworthy? In week 1, of The Bible for Dummies series, Pastor Erica walks us through a history of the Bible and shares scientific reasons to believe that the Bible is trustworthy.
This is a call out to the warrior men who will choose to courageously lead their life & their family. Guest Speaker Pastor Lonnie Snell passionately challenges you to be a shepherd warrior.
What Your Kids Really Need. In week 3, guest speaker, Kelly Albert, shares wisdom & insight on the things that your kids really need to flourish in life.
The struggle is real. We live in interesting times to be raising kids. In week 2, guest speaker, Kelly Albert, shares about the “punches” the enemy tries to throw and what our “counter punch” is as we fight for our families.