"Revive me according to your word." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he shares about the life changing power of God's Word in Week 2 of "Revive Me."
"Revive me according to your word." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he shares about the life changing power of God's Word in Week 2 of "Revive Me."
Do you desire to experience revival in your life? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he stirs us up about the acceleration of prayer in Week 1 of "Revive Me".
Join us for a special Family Service as Pastor Erica Giesow helps the whole family finish the year strong and position themselves for a powerful new year.
What is the significance of the gifts that the wise men brought Jesus after His birth? Join Pastor Eric Giesow on this special Christmas Eve service as he explains the what myrrh represents and what it teaches us about Jesus in Week 3 of "The Gift".
What is the significance of the gifts that the wise men brought Jesus after His birth? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he explains the what frankincense represents and what it teaches us about Jesus in Week 2 of "The Gift".
What is the significance of the gifts that the wise men brought Jesus after His birth? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he explains the what gold represents and what it teaches us about Jesus in Week 1 of "The Gift".
Did you know that leaving a legacy for the kingdom costs you something, but is also rewarded? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she encourages us in living a life that leaves a legacy in Week 4 of "Leaving A Legacy."
How can we leave a legacy? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she teaches us how we can leave a legacy of faith in the next generation in Week 3 of our series "Leaving A Legacy."
How can we leave a legacy? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he teaches us how to share our faith in Week 2 of our series "Leaving A Legacy."
How can we leave a legacy? Join guest speaker Michael Bauer as he encourages us in our generosity in Week 1 of our series "Leaving A Legacy".
We serve a God of vision! Join Pastors Eric & Erica Giesow as they share some exciting things to come at Alive in their Vision Sunday message.
How can we live with integrity and influence in our lifetime? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into Daniel chapter 6 to help us in Week 5 of our "Daniel" series.
How can we maintain influence and experience promotion in the midst of an ungodly culture? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into Daniel chapters 4 & 5 in Week 4 of our "Daniel" series.
How do we stand firm in our faith in the midst of cultural pressure? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into Daniel chapter 3 to uncover our response in Week 3 of our "Daniel" series.
How should we respond to earthly authority? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into Daniel chapter 2 to uncover our response in week 2 of our "Daniel" series.
How do we live a godly life in an ungodly culture? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as dives into Daniel chapter 1 in Week 1 of our "Daniel" series.
Jesus said "I am the true vine." Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 7 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into what this statement means for you and I in Week 6 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life." Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 5 of the "I AM" series.
Jesus said "I am the good shepherd." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 4 of the "I AM" series.