What is the significance of the gifts that the wise men brought Jesus after His birth? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he explains the what gold represents and what it teaches us about Jesus in Week 1 of "The Gift".

What is the significance of the gifts that the wise men brought Jesus after His birth? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he explains the what gold represents and what it teaches us about Jesus in Week 1 of "The Gift".

Leaving A Legacy - Legacy Cost & Rewards

Leaving A Legacy - Legacy Cost & Rewards

Did you know that leaving a legacy for the kingdom costs you something, but is also rewarded? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she encourages us in living a life that leaves a legacy in Week 4 of "Leaving A Legacy."

Leaving A Legacy - Sharing Your Faith

Leaving A Legacy - Sharing Your Faith

How can we leave a legacy? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he teaches us how to share our faith in Week 2 of our series "Leaving A Legacy."

Vision Sunday

Vision Sunday

We serve a God of vision! Join Pastors Eric & Erica Giesow as they share some exciting things to come at Alive in their Vision Sunday message.

Daniel: Chapter 6 - Long Game Integrity

Daniel: Chapter 6 - Long Game Integrity

How can we live with integrity and influence in our lifetime? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into Daniel chapter 6 to help us in Week 5 of our "Daniel" series.

Daniel: Chapter 4 & 5 - Pride & Humility

Daniel: Chapter 4 & 5 - Pride & Humility

How can we maintain influence and experience promotion in the midst of an ungodly culture? Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into Daniel chapters 4 & 5 in Week 4 of our "Daniel" series.

Daniel: Chapter 3 - Faith Through The Fire

Daniel: Chapter 3 - Faith Through The Fire

How do we stand firm in our faith in the midst of cultural pressure? Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into Daniel chapter 3 to uncover our response in Week 3 of our "Daniel" series.

I AM - The True Vine

I AM - The True Vine

Jesus said "I am the true vine." Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 7 of the "I AM" series.

I AM - The Way, The Truth, And The Life

I AM - The Way, The Truth, And The Life

Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into what this statement means for you and I in Week 6 of the "I AM" series.

I AM - The Resurrection and the Life

I AM - The Resurrection and the Life

Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life." Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 5 of the "I AM" series.

I AM - The Good Shepherd

I AM - The Good Shepherd

Jesus said "I am the good shepherd." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives into the meaning of this statement in Week 4 of the "I AM" series.

I AM - The Door

I AM - The Door

Jesus said "I am the door." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he unpacks the meaning of this statement in Week 3 of the "I AM" series.

I AM - Light Of The World

I AM - Light Of The World

Jesus said "I am the light of the world." Join Pastor Erica Giesow as she dives deeper into the meaning of this statement in Week 2 of the "I AM" series.

I AM - The Bread Of Life

I AM - The Bread Of Life

Jesus said "I am the bread of life." Join Pastor Eric Giesow as he dives deeper into the meaning of this statement in Week 1 of our "I AM" series.

Who The Son Sets Free - Wounded Warriors

Who The Son Sets Free - Wounded Warriors

Join special guest speaker Pastor Lonnie Snell as he shares a powerful message on how to experience emotional healing from the wounds we experience in life.