Alive Kids On Demand
Select from over 50 services for your child to watch & participate in. This is where you come for easy access to Alive Kids content for an at home experience!
Alive Kids On Demand gives you the freedom to choose from topics of interest and the ability to watch around your schedule.
We are committed to always offering an Alive Kids at home/online experience and hope you enjoy our collection of services.
The Gospels
In the Gospels, children will learn about Jesus' humanity and learn about his deity, his power and his purpose for all humanity.
Episode 1: Man - Down to Earth
Episode 2: Man - Walk this Way
Episode 3: Man - Been There Done That
Episode 4: Miracles - Impossible is Nothing
Episode 5: Miracles - Miracle Maker
Episode 6: Miracles - Dead End
Episode 7: Messiah - Told You So
Unlikely Heroes
In Unlikely Heroes children will realize that throughout the Bible, God worked through unexpected people in incredible ways. you and I are just as unlikely and unexpected, just imagine what he can do through us.
Greatest Story Ever Told
The Bible is not just a book, it’s The Greatest Story Ever Told! We take a birds eye view of the whole Bible in 9 lessons, from Genesis to Revelation seeing God’s salvation story unfold.
Episode 1: Origin - Opening Scene
Episode 2: Origin - Invasion & Escape
Episode 3: Origin - Judges & Kings
Episode 4: A Hero Rises - The Chosen One
Episode 5: A Hero Rises - An Unexpected Twist
Episode 6: A Hero Rises - A Tale to Tell
Episode 7: Never Ending - What Happened Next
Draw Near
In Draw Near children will learn what it means to draw closer to God through positioning themselves before God, praying to God and praising Him. They will learn how in turn He also draws near to them.
Episode 1: Position - Draw Near
Episode 2: Position - Hungry for More
Episode 3: Position - Where are You?
Episode 4: Prayer - Hallowed Be Your Name
Episode 5: Prayer - Walk with God
Episode 6: Prayer - Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop
Episode 7: Praise - You Know Me
Psalms, Proverbs, & Parables
In Psalms Proverbs & Parables children will learn from three of the most memorable wisdom books in the Bible: The Psalms, wisdom from the Proverbs and the parables of Jesus.
Episode 1: Psalms - Enter His Gates
Episode 2: Psalms - Your Name is Higher
Episode 3: Psalms - Praise Party
Episode 4: Proverbs - Wise People Ask
Episode 5: Proverbs - Walk on the Wise Side
Episode 6: Proverbs - Wise Words
Episode 7: Parables - Building on the Rock
In Celebrate children will discover the true meaning of Christmas, the importance of observing Easter as a celebration of the resurrection of Christ.
Episode 1: Christmas Mystery - Mystery of the Messengers
Episode 2: Christmas Mystery - Mystery of the Manger
Episode 3: Christmas Mystery - Mystery of the Star
Episode 5: Easter - Cross Equals Love
Two Additional Bonus Kid Services: