Health & Safety Protocols
Your well-being is our priority. Alive in incorporating many new social distancing and sanitization procedures for your safety and in consideration of all those in attendance.
The following new health & safety protocols are in place:
1. MASKS | Every Alive Team member that serves you on Sunday mornings will be wearing a mask. We will also be highly suggesting mask wearing of all individuals in public spaces - lobby & bathrooms. In the auditorium, once people are seated, masks are optional for the benefit of those who would like to sing.
2. HEALTH CHECKS | All volunteers as well as all children attending Alive Kids Ministry programs will have their temperature checked with a no-contact thermometer. Any temps above 100.4 will not be able to attend, per CDC guidelines. Any guests or volunteers who are experiencing persistent coughing or difficulty breathing should attend our online service instead, per CDC guidelines.
3. HUGS AND HANDSHAKES | We are a loving group and we enjoy hugs, handshakes and the like, but for the comfort of others we ask that for now, you refrain and offer an “air hug” or a “forearm bump” instead.
4. CLEANING & SANITATION | Every ministry space will be fogged with Purerox disinfectant before and after each service. In addition to that, commonly touched areas will be regularly cleaned by our sanitization team. Additionally, there are several hand sanitizing stations located throughout the lobby for your convenience.
5. CONTACT FREE INTERACTIONS | Kids Kiosk check-in will happen via a QR Code Reader or manually by one of the members of the Kiosk Team. No buckets will be passed - online giving will be encouraged and there will be one bucket in back that people can give in-person. Doors will be held open. And there will be no free coffee.
5. SOCIAL DISTANCING | Ushers will guide families & guests to their seats to ensure social distancing - much like what would happen at a wedding. Children will attend adult worship to minimize the pre-service/free-time play & touching, and then when they arrive to the kids classroom they will comfortably seat socially distanced.
Your safety and well-being are a top priority to us. Let’s all do our part to keep ourselves and others safe and comfortable. We appreciate your participation!
If you are not in a position to enjoy an in-person service for any reason (health, readiness, comfort, etc.) at this time, no problem, you can continue to gather with us online! We will continue to offer both online and in-person services -- as both are a vibrant part of our future together!