Take a 4 week bible crash course!

The Basics Crash Course Classes are 4 week classes that meet one night a week for 2 hours. These classes gives both those new to faith & seasoned believers an in-depth Bible study on the basics of our faith.  These classes include homework and in class teaching. When you register you are given a free workbook that serves as the guide for the class.

Basics 101:Bible - This is our foundational Bible class that is offered in-person every September, January, and May. If you would rather take this class online & on-demand - that is always available for Basics 101, year round. You can sign up for Basics 101 Online here. Basics 101 is also a pre-requisite for all other Basic classes.

Basics 201: Serving God - This Basics Crash Course will help you learn how to serve God and locate your spiritual gifts. This class is offered every September, in-person.

Basics 301: Prayer - This Basics Crash Course will teach you powerful, Biblical ways to pray. This class is offered in-person every January. Every January we also do 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, and this class is a great supplement to that season of prayer.

Basics 401: Health & Healing - This Basics Crash Course will teach you God’s will for our health and healing. This class is offered every May, in-person.